MNHGCanaRx – Certain Brand Name Prescriptions at $0 Co-pay

Effective October 1, 2017 – MNHG members began to have direct access to CanaRx for certain brand name medications.  At NO COST to the member – $0 Co-pay, the medication will be delivered by mail right to your doorstep!  Check out the drug formulary for your health plan below to see if your medication is available through this great program.

MNHGCanaRx – is a voluntary international prescription drug program that is available to eligible Employees,  Non-Medicare eligible Retirees, and their Dependents enrolled in the HMOs or PPO plan with the Minuteman Nashoba Health Group.   NOTE *The High Deductible Health Plan members are eligible only for Preventative Medications through this program beginning 06/01/2020.  



HSA Qualified Plan Enrollment flyer and formulary

Tufts Health Plan CanaRx 
THP CanaRx Enrollment Flyer and formulary

Harvard Pilgrim CanaRx 
HPHC CanaRx Enrollment Flyer and formulary

Blue Cross Blue Shield CanaRx
BCBS CanaRx Enrollment Flyer and formulary


REGISTER HERE!!!! MNHGCanaRx Website link

Toll Free Helpline for Members or Employers is – 1-866-893-(MEDS) 6337 – Fax: 1-866-715-6337

CanaRx Frequently asked Questions

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