Administrative Services
The Minuteman Nashoba Health Group has contracted with Gallagher Benefit Services(GBS) as its Central Benefit Administrator to provide the following services:
Gallagher Benefit Services to the MINUTEMAN NASHOBA HEALTH GROUP
Central Benefits Administration
Enrollment processing for participating employers
Maintenance of master enrollment data base for all health & dental plans
Transmission of enrollment data to health & dental plans
Monthly billing to governmental employers (consolidated bill for all plans)
Review and processing invoices from vendors
Preparation of trust fund bills (on a warrant) for group’s Treasurer and liaison with Treasurer
Preparation and provision of data to group’s independent auditor
Claims Auditing
Auditing of monthly paid claims from claims data
Recovery – submission of disputed claims and COB to claims administrator(s)
Enrollment auditing
Independent Stop Loss Claims Tracking and Filing (if requested)
GBS provided this service to MNHG for a number of years, but the reinsurance brokers took over this function. GBS reconciles the stop loss reports with the claims received into their office and communicates with the broker to resolve any discrepancies that may be found.
Consulting and Administrative Support to the Board and Committees
General Consulting Services:
o Preparation of Requests for Proposals
o Plan evaluation
o Benefit design analysis
o Underwriting/rate calculations for self-funded plans
o Health plan renewal evaluation
o Premium and fee negotiations
o Contract writing and negotiation
o Legislative information, updates, and advice on compliance (most recent HIPAA privacy)
o Preparation and presentation of briefing papers
o Review and evaluate health plan reports
o Draft policies
Administrative Support:
o Staff all meetings
o Preparation of meeting agendas
o Preparation of meeting minutes
o Communications – prepare and respond to correspondence
o Distribution of materials to member employers
o Maintenance of group records
o Annual cash flow projection
o Annual Report of activity
o Monthly reporting – Financial Update Report, Funding Rate Analysis, Balance Sheets (if requested – not done for MNHG), Stop Loss Reports, COBRA Administration Reports
COBRA Administration:
Provide all services required by COBRA
Medicare Part D Retiree Drug Subsidy (RDS)
Account Management and reporting – not applicable after FY12, Senior plans now include Medicare Part D plans, which are not eligible for subsidy
Organize/conduct information meetings for benefits administrators, if requested
Conduct workshops and seminars
Meet with employee committees as requested